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Ms. Dupuis has created a grade 12 Google Classroom where she regularly posts about scholarships and bursaries. It will be more detailed and up-to-date than this page. Join here:


College and university can be very expensive. While OSAP may be an option for some, scholarships and bursaries can be a way to ease the financial burden of post-secondary school. Scholarships are typically based on academic achievement, leadership etc., while bursaries tend to aimed at those with financial need or other less academic factors. There is a lot of research involved in find a scholarship or bursary that you may be able to apply to. Make sure you visit the websites of the schools you are interest in too! They will have school-specific opportunities. Student Services is happy to help!

Some Helpful Websites

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This site features scholarships for a wide variety of students

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This is the site for government scholarships including some for non-Canadians


The Loran is a very prestigious award - students apply by Oct. 1qth 2023.


RBC has a number of scholarships - well worth the visit


The TD Award is another prestigious award for students who have demonstrated leadership. Applications are due Nov. 15th 2023. 


This is a great website for up-to-date information on all Ontario universities including their bursaries and scholarships.


Scholarships for international students studying in Canada.

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Oct 25th, 2024 - Thank you so much to those who came to the presentation tonight! Here is the slideshow that was shared. If you have any questions, please reach out to a counselor!

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Providing university scholarships to students who exemplify the humanitarian ideals of Terry Fox by volunteering and giving back to their communities.


Click here for more informatio:

Are you a student in your final year of high school (if you live outside Quebec), or in your last year of CEGEP (if you live in Quebec)? Have you shown a commitment to making a positive difference in your community? You may be eligible for a TD Scholarship for Community Leadership valued at up to $70,000 over 4 years towards a post-secondary college or university education.

Apply online between September 6 and November 15, 2023.


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